Quakers in Criminal Justice

BYM 2016 Newsletter Download PDF


With special thanks to Judy Kessler, the QICJ conference set a new precedent both in welcoming day comers and in the site of Hinsley Hall, Leeds. The Injustice of Poverty theme has given rise to an interesting mix of articles focusing both on the unbridled criminality of the powerful and the struggle faced by the rehabilitated to truly integrate.

I have a sense of things being topsy turvey and the phrase of “the first shall be the last and the last shall be the first” is in my mind.

I am always heartened and inspired by the articles submitted and this edition is no different. I especially am pleased to have an article about the Clink restaurant (Twelve Quakers Eat Lunch), Glebe House and the Erwin James book review is inspirational. So happy reading!

Carmel Schmid
Newsletter editor

Also in this edition